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Best Blog Hosting

When looking for the best blog hosting, you might have different factors to consider depending on your needs.

Now that I have had a few different hosts throughout the years, I feel like I have a better understanding of what are the most important things that I want in a host.

Several of my blogging friends have been struggling with their hosts lately, and I feel their pain.

This post contains affiliate links.

A few years ago I had major issues with my previous host and it’s a helpless feeling.

When your site is down, you are at complete mercy of your host.

I am currently with BigScoots, and have been for about two years.

They seem to be a bit pricier, but I am a firm believer in “you get what you pay for” in most cases.

Since I have several blogs, I probably have a more expensive account than many will need.

So, based on my experience, I feel I can share my list of important traits when it comes to finding the best blog hosting.

Best blog hosting – 5 Things That Matter to Me

Best Blog Hosting - 5 Things That Matter to Me

Quick Response

Customer service is huge for me.

I want a 24/7 fast response if something goes wrong with my website.

Our blogs are our businesses.

It’s not okay to wait days for help.

Helpful and Friendly

When I have a problem, I want to reach out to my host knowing that they won’t talk down to me or consider my issues trivial.

I am a paying customer, and I am paying them for a reason – because I don’t know how to do this s^&$!

I can’t tell you how many times bigscoots has tweaked something on my blog that I was supposed to know how to do myself.

They never treat me like I am foolish, and are always eager to help.

Not only will they often do something for me, but they will also show me how to do it myself for the next time.

Location of the Server

I have no idea if where your server lives makes one bit of difference, but I love that mine is in Chicago.

The fact that I could visit my server makes me feel good.

Familiar Names

There are lots of talented people out there, but it’s refreshing to see many of the same ones respond.

Once in a while, I get a name I don’t recognize from bigscoots, but more often than not, I have spoken to the customer service rep before.

It feels more personal that way, and like they know more about my situation.

Smooth Transition

bigscoots will do most of the work when it comes to transferring your blog from another host.

They even recommended the best package for me based on my blog size.

My blog hosting History

Just a little background, I started off at Bluehost but outgrew them.

Unless things have changed, you can only upgrade so far over there.

Many pros still recommend them, but I cannot comment on the service as I haven’t hosted with them in years.

A lot of other pros say that if anyone is suggesting Bluehost, it’s only for the fat affiliate commission they pay, so be careful!

I know it’s a cheaper hosting option for beginners.

I moved to HostGator and was happy for quite a while.

Then, they moved my server, and all hell broke loose.

My blog was down more often than it wasn’t.

That’s when I made the move to WiredTree.

WiredTree was bought out by a larger company, and things went downhill for me.

That’s when I found out about bigscoots from several bloggers who are way bigger than me!

Moving to bigscoots also increased my blog speed dramatically.

One bummer is that bigscoots does not handle domain names.

I use HostGator and GoDaddy for domains.

Does the perfect blog host exist?

Of course not.

It’s not about having no problems, it’s how they handle the problems.

At bigscoots, they are fast, diligent, and helpful no matter what I ask.

After being with them for a while now, I am confident to call them the best blog hosting for me.

If you’re in the market for a blog hosting company, contact BigScoots!

What major factors do you look for when choosing the best blog hosting


Tuesday 1st of March 2016

I thought I was good with a host since everyone else is on it. However, I was down for weeks! So I had to recently change and of course, was much better about who I picked. This list would have been great to see a few weeks ago!


Tuesday 1st of March 2016

Oh yeah, I have been sitting on this post. Overthinking as usual! LOL


Monday 29th of February 2016

I have never thought about location of the server, but this is the second time I've heard someone say it. Quick response is definitely high on my list.

Ellen Christian

Monday 29th of February 2016

Quick response is HUGE for me. I want an immediate answer.


Monday 29th of February 2016

HUGE! That's probably my top requirement.