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Jennifer Soltys

Jennifer Soltys is a blogger who's been making a full-time income from home since 2012. Always eager to learn new things, she's constantly on the lookout for new ways to earn money online. As an overly anxious introvert, not all side hustles are for her. Join her as she shares her experiences with online income streams to see which ones might be a fit for you!

Writing novels for a living sounds extremely appealing to many. However, there are a few problems that hold people back. You might feel as though you don’t have the patience to wait for a book to start making money. Or, maybe you don’t have the time to invest without receiving a regular paycheck. These reasons …

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Chances are you’ve heard of self-published authors making six-digit incomes. How is this possible? Is there a magic formula for selling your books and launching a successful writing career? While there’s no guarantee that books will sell, there are tricks that authors swear by. Writing is one of the many ways one can make money …

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